My Favorite Things: June 2017

Hey, guys! Time for another “My Favorite Things” post!

This month, I’m looking forward to statement jewelry pieces and travel-inspired accessories inspired by the summertime. I absolutely love the summer! it’s the perfect time to go crazy with your wardrobe by adding bright colors, fun jewelry, and the perfect pair of sandals 🙂

1. Esfir

Esfir is a Pakistani jewelry brand that I’m just obsessed about! They specialize in fine jewelry, and even though I can’t really afford any of their pieces, I just can’t get enough! You guys know I love supporting Pakistani brands, so Esfir had to be at the top of my list!

If I could get anything it would be these net earrings (pictured below). I’ve never seen anything like those earrings (it’s so unique!), and if you guys know where else this style is being sold I would love to know!


2. Patches

I don’t know why I still haven’t gotten over my obsession with patches yet! I thought this would be short lived obsession, but after so many months I still havent been able to get over them! I just love patches, they are so cute and I feel like they just add a lot of spunk to my outfit.

As you can see in some of my previous posts, like DIY: Bomber Jacket with Patches, and DIY: Embroidered Floral Handbag! I’ve done a lot of crazy things with patches! Can you believe I’m actually working on a DIY iPhone case with patches?


 3. World Maps

Summer has gotten me into the traveling mood! I’m loving everything related to world maps currently (I know it’s so weird :D). But I just have wanderlust right now which is why I’m obsessed with things like world map necklaces and scratch maps. I think they are the perfect accessories for anyone who loves to travel.

The perfect accessory for any home, in my opinion, is a world map which showcases all the adventures you went on and all the memories you shared with the people you love!


4. 9 Lines

9 Lines is another Pakistani brand, and it specializes in making funky, bold, and very stylish clothing and accessories. I think 9 Lines is the perfect store for teens, and I everytime I got on their website, it just screams summer to me! That’s why I wanted to include the brand in June’s favorite things post.

If I could, I would go crazy shopping at the store, and hopefully I get a chance to do so soon!

Baradari-Main-Picture-768x768cushion-template-TRUCK-ART-copy-copy-470x660-470x600Those are all my favorite things for this month! I hope you enjoyed!

I would love to know what you guys are into these days 🙂

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15 Comments Add yours

  1. Where are you looking to travel to this summer? x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really want to go somewhere in Europe 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Azra says:

    That world map necklace is really nice and interesting. I feel like we all need something different from time to time. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I agree, I actually got one from Amazon for $2!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the world map necklace!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😊 I actually recently bought one for myself for $2 on Amazon!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Natalie Vinh says:

    I’m obsessed with patches, especially for the summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. kelleysdiy says:

    Hello, I wanted you to know I nominated you for a award. You may see it here……I love your blog, thank you for following me! kelley

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for nominating me! I will definitely check it out 😊


  6. Oooh, love the world map necklace! I also see a lot of pictures of the world map as a tattoo on the wrist… almost makes me want to get one 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Oh I love that idea too!


  7. I love the world map…is it one you mark off where you have visited?

    Liked by 1 person

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