Lahore Diaries: Touring Governor House

My dad pulled a few strings and managed to get us a tour of the Governor House!

During the British Raj it was the residence for the British lieutenant-Governor of the province and since independence of Pakistan in 1947 it was formally designated for the use of the province’s governors.

It was great to see this massive residence, and the workers were very hospitable to us.The Governor House is spread over 90 acres of land! I felt like that was too much land for a small family, it could be put to better use.

We actually went here during the last days of our trip

Governor House

We entered in from the driveway and got a full view of the Governor House, then we were escorted to the gardens. 

Looks like they tried to copy some architecture from Lahore Fort



The gardens were very beautiful, and they had many animals like peacocks there

Then, we were escorted inside into the waiting area which had displays of different swords and helmets


There were some politicians sitting here!

We went on to see some other rooms in the Governor’s House, we saw the library where Pakistan’s founder, Quaid-e-Azam used to work.


Political rooms
Podium! We had fun with this

We also got a chance to have tea in the Governor House’s dining room. This area was built around the tomb of Mohammed Kasim Khan. Its center is a domed dining room, formed from the upper part of the tomb itself.


The workers there were very hospitable


The platters we were served were amazing. I really loved them


Overall, it was really nice to see something that not a lot of people get to see. The residence is very beautiful.


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